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Simba is a 12-year-old Shar Pei mix and she is her owner’s best friend. They spend all day together. Simba protects and comforts him and he says she is his ‘shadow’. She is a happy healthy girl, but she has a large ulcerated mass on her left shoulder. Her owner would love to help her and get the mass removed. They need your financial help to make that possible. Please donate to Simba and her dad.

You Can Help Simba By Making A Donation

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This is Ruger. He and his owner have taken care of each other for over ten years! Their favorite thing to do together is play ball at the park. Unfortunately, Ruger has torn ligaments in both of his knees. Right now, he has a hard time getting up and is painful, but with knee surgery he can get back to normal. Please donate to help Ruger and his owner get back to playing ball at the park.

You Can Help Ruger By Making A Donation

CAVT is proud to partner with our local shelters and veterinary care providers in order to provide much-needed surgical help for dogs and cats. Below are some of the kiddoes that we are currently trying to help. Please join us by making your donation today.

The Veterinary Care Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing veterinary care for animals in need. CAVT is grateful for their partnership, and their continued animal care efforts. Please see this link for their web page.